During my research at the Library of Congress on 7 January 1997 I obtained a partial copy of Garland Evans Hopkins= Freeman Forbears, being the history, genealogy, heraldry, homes and traditions of the family ofFreeman and related families originating in the original shires of James City and Charles River in Virginia (Richmond: 1942). Hopkins tried to untangle the relationship between Lt.Col. Bridges Freeman, Bennet Freeman, William Freeman, Thomas Freeman and the three Henry Freemans who all show up in Virginia Colony between 1635 and 1675. Hopkins made no use of land grants, or other sources now readily available at the Virginia State Library which I have transcribed in 1994. His analysis is flawed and needs to be revised.
The following includes my reconciliation (with annotations) of my research and my comparison to his research. It also includes my own work on the descendants of John Freeman of Surry County, Virginia from ca. 1700, down to today’s recently deceased descendants.1
Our Freeman ancestors came from Oxfordshire. According to Stephen M. Lawson, Thomas Freeman and his wife, said to be Frances Bennet, of Preston Crowmarsh, were the parents of seven children that includes two or three sons who emigrated to Virginia Colony in the 17th century. Lawson's identification is supported by a great deal of hard evidence.
In 1680, two depositions were taken in the London Lord Mayor's Court with respect to the descendants of Thomas Freeman of Wallingford, Berkshire. In the first, John Crouch, age 60, a resident of Westminster, swore that the children of Thomas Freeman, formerly of Wallingford Castle, Berkshire were William, Col. Bridges, Bennet and Elizabeth Freeman.2 In the second, David Bennett, age 51, swore that his father David Bennett was a brother of Thomas Freeman's wife.3 The index to Oxfordshire marriages shows that Thomas Freeman married Frances Bennett of the Parish of Bensington, Oxford on January 1, 1599.4
In 1664, Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald, made a formal visitation to Wallingford and other Berkshire communities to register the holders of family coats of arms for Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceaux.5 He recorded the coat of arms of John Freeman of Wallingford with pedigree as follows:
Thomas Freeman of Preston = Frances, da. to . . . . Bennett of LondonCrowmarsh in Con. Oxon
2. Robert William married John Freeman of = Alice Daughter to Elizabeth,
Mary, Da... to Wallingford, one of Sir John Keeling one wife to
3. Bennet Bowes the band of pen- of the Justices of Col Pethouse
Pensioners to his Ma'ty's Court of now dwells
4. Richard Ma'ty's aet: 40 annor King's Bench in Virginia
14: Mar: 1664
John son & heire aet: 4 annor:
14 Mar: 16646
Just how John Freeman, who appears to have been the youngest son of his father, filed this pedigree is unknown. At that time William Freeman was alive and well and living in London. John Freeman's pedigree does not mention Bridges Freeman, unless "Robert" or "Richard" was also "Bridges." 7
The chapter on Moreton Hundred and the Borough of Wallingford of The Victoria County History for Berkshire states that the tithe for the Church of All Hallows on Castle Street, Wallingford, had been farmed out to Thomas Freeman, his wife, and David Bennet in 1618 when they conveyed the tithe to the Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir John Bennet, Kt.8
A great deal of additional information on Bridges Freeman's mother, Frances Bennet, was gleaned fromVirginia Gleanings in England.9 The wills of two of her cousins were probated in Prerogative Court. Ambrose Bennet left Frances Freeman a legacy of ,10 in his will dated 18 December 1629, probated 28 March 1631. Ambrose also left a legacy to his brother John and to his sister Dame Marie Crook, wife of Sir George Crooke, kt., Justice of the Court of Kings Bench.10
Ambrose' brother John Bennet made a will on 26 November 16__ proved 11 May 1631 that left a small cash legacy to his brother Ambrose. Both brothers mention a third brother, Sir Symon Bennet, in the form of small cash legacies left to him by each brother. Sir Symon is executor of John Bennet's will.
Now for an examination of the relationship between Wallingford and the Freeman family. Wallingford, formerly in the County of Berkshire, has been included in Oxfordshire since 1974. It is on the southwest side of the Thames, within ten miles of Benson, the modern name for Bensington. It is an ancient town, originally a Roman camp built to protect a vital ford across the Thames and surrounded by a wall. In medieval times, a castle was built to protect the bridge. This castle survived until the English Civil War, when it was pulled down by Oliver Cromwell's soldiers after the capture of Wallingford by Lord Thomas Fairfax.11
From the information currently on hand, Thomas Freeman, Gent., of Preston Crowmarsh, Bensington Hundred, Oxfordshire and Frances Bennet, his wife had the following children:
1 Bridges Freeman, baptized 25 March 1603, died before 1664, Charles City County, VA;
2 William Freeman, baptized 31 August 1605, died before 4 February 1606, Bensington,Oxon;
3 Henrie, baptized 14 Dec. 1606
4 Elizabeth Freeman, baptized 1608, living 1664, wife of Col.[Thomas] Pethouse, living in
Virginia, 1664.
5 William Freeman, baptized 28 May 1609, living 1680 in London, wife Mary Bowes
6 Bennet Freeman, probably either Robert, baptized 5 December 1613 or Jeames baptized 2 August 1612, died ca. 1658 in Virginia;
7 John Freeman, baptized, 1624, a Royal pensioner in 1664, married Alice, daughter of Sr. John Keeling, Justice of the Court of King's Bench, London.12
Although there is no record of Bridges Freeman's importation into Virginia colony,13 the census of survivors of the 1623 massacre submitted to the Proprietors of Virginia Colony is now in the Public Records Office, London. Bridges Freeman is listed as a survivor living in Elizabeth City. He does not appear in the 1624 census of Virginia colonists as transcribed by Peter Wilson Coldham in the 1980's.14
It is sure that he was living at Martin's Hundred in 1625, because Bridges Freeman's house at Martin's Brandon was the scene of an altercation between Capt. John Huddleston and Mrs. Alice Boyce, widow, which resulted in a slander action being filed in October, 1625 in the General Court of Virginia at Jamestown. Bridges Freeman and his co-tenant James Sleight, were called as witnesses.15
On 21 May 1627, Bridges Freeman and James Sleight petitioned the general court for leave to remove themselves and their goods from Martin's Brandon to some other plantation "where they may live more secured."16
Bridges Freeman appears in the Minutes of the Council and General Court of Virginia Company 4 July 1627. For some reason Bridges Freeman and James Sleight are sworn as witnesses before the Council and give evidence that Capt. Martin of Martin's Hundred leased them ground to plant on at Martin's Brandon on an oral promise to pay an annual rent of two capons or two pullets until Christmas 1627.17
On 22 January 1628, Dave Mynton petitioned the General Court for damages for an assault perpetrated on him by Bridges Freeman. The court ordered Freeman to Apaye for curing the said Dave his wounds, and for that it appeared that Dave Mynton gave very bad words to the said ffreeman and was in the moste fault the said Dave shall have noe remedy."18
On 7 March 1628/29, Bridges Freeman was appointed militia commander "of the Magine" by the General Court.19 Later in that year, Freeman, alleged to be "aged 26 years or thereabouts" is sworn in a commercial case involved a debt between Roger Peirce and Capt. Wm. Peirce.20 At the same meeting of the General Court in July, 1629, Bridges Freeman petitioned the General Court for an order directing a man named "Fowler" to build him a house to be Athree lengths of housing w a Chimney & a p'ition"Freeman to pay half the fee of the viewers who will evaluate the house after it is built.21
In 1629, Bridges Freeman was elected to the House of Burgesses for Pasbyhoy. In 1632, he was elected Burgess for Chicahominy, which indicates he may have held a freehold prior to his first recorded land patent which dates from 1632. Pasbyhoy and Chicahominy were two names for the same hundred, a tract of land on the east side of the mouth of the Chicahominy River in present-day James City County.22
In 1632 a land patent issued 16 March 1632 to Bridget Lowther, widow of Pasbeyheys located her 220 acres on the west bank of the Chicahominy River, adjoining the lands of Bridges Freeman.23 The inference from this statement is that Bridges Freeman occupied land near the mouth of the Chicahominy River in present-day Charles City County, Virginia as early as March, 1632.
In December, 1635, Bridges Freeman received a patent for 150 acres in James City County on the East Bank of Chickahominy. 50 acres was awarded for the personal adventure of his spouse Bridget Freeman, and 100 acres for importation of his brother Bennet Freeman and one servant named Ellis Baker.24 Bridget Freeman might very well be the widow Bridget Lowther mentioned in the 1632 patent. On the other hand, Bridget Prowes, age 18, was a passenger on a vessel departing for Virginia on 31 July 1635, three weeks after Bennet Freeman left England for Virginia by another vessel. This woman might also have been the wife of Bridges Freeman referred to in the December 1635 grant of land patent.25
The neck of land referred to in this 1635 land patent was known as Freeman' Point as shown by Augustine Herrmann' 1670 map of Virginia and Maryland.26
Hopkins indicates that Bridget Freeman was the daughter of Francis Fowler, based on references made in Surry County court records.27 However, this is disproved because Francis Fowler was too young to sire a daughter of marriageable age by 1635. According to the 1625 Census of Virginia Colony, he was born ca. 1601-02.28 His widow, Antania Fowler bequeathed land to Bridges Freeman prior to 1648. This second land entry definitely establishes that Bridges and Bennett Freeman were brothers.
In August, 1637, Bridges Freeman received a patent for 900 acres on the West Bank of Chicahominy in James City County opposite the 1635 land grant and an earlier grant to Francis Fowler., for transportation of 18 adults.29 A few days later on 12 August 1637, Bridges Freeman received another patent for 100 acres adjacent to his original patent for transporting two adults.30
In August, 1640, Bridges Freeman received another patent for 100 acres adjacent to the land on the east side of Chicahominy for transporting 2 adults.31 In March 1643, Capt. Bridges Freeman received a patent for 400 acres adjacent to his 1150 acres in Chicahominy.32
On 19 October 1640, Bridges Freeman is appointed appraiser with Francis Fowler to set aside a cow and a calf for Anne Belson, servant of Theodore Moyses as a substitute for her legacy converted by Moyses to his own use.33
Bridges Freeman was re-elected to the House of Burgesses in 1647. He was also appointed collector of tithes for Chicahominy and Sandy Point in 1647. In 1652, Capt. Bridges Freeman is appointed a Counselor of State in the Provisional Government of the Colony.34
In September, 1654, Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman received a regrant of the 1,550 acres previously patented to him, the tract being called Tomahunn plantation.35 A second regrant, which may be a correction to the 1,325 acre patent was issued to Lt.Col. Bridges Freeman for 1,011 acres on the south side of the mouth of Chicahominy on the same date.36
Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman was appointed Counselor of State in Gov. Diggs' Government in 1655. In 1658, Lt. Col. Freeman petitioned the General Court to include his house in Wallingford Parish rather than the Upper Parish of the Chicahominy, which petition was granted.37
Col. Freeman received no more land patents after 1654. On 10 August 1664, Barrendine Mercer received a patent for 420 acres, including land "given unto Edward Harrison by Col. Bridges Freeman in his last will and testament."38
The inference from this data is that Col. Freeman died between 1658 and 1664. There is no record of his estate nor of his will. The Barrendine Mercer patent is authority for the existence of his will, but Bridges Freeman's will may never have been probated. If probated, it would have been filed in Charles City, James City, New Kent or Surry Counties. No estate for Bridges Freeman was listed in Surry County indices, which do not extend back to the foundation of the county in 1652.
Garland Hopkins argues that Bridges and Bridget Freeman had at least four children. he offers no evidence to sustain this conclusion.39 At this point, the best that can be said is that Bridges Freeman was born ca. 1602-1603, emigrated to Virginia Colony before October, 1625, and married a woman named Bridget before December, 1635. Bridges Freeman was a Burgess for his Hundred in two sessions of the House of Burgesses, served in the colonial militia rising to Lt. Col. of his County, and was appointed to the Governor's Council for two terms ending in 1655. Bridges Freeman died between 1658 and 1664.
The 17th century plantation known as Martin's Brandon is on the south bank of the James River about twelve miles upstream from Jamestown. It is known today as Brandon plantation and is still a working farm. John Martin started the plantation before 1619 and imported his own tenants. Seventy-three tenants of Martin's Brandon were killed during the Massacre of 1622 and Martin gave up on his settlement.40 When Bridges Freeman and James Sleight petitioned the general court for leave to move away from Martin's Brandon on 21 May 1627, the plantation had been deteriorating for four years. James Sleight appeared in the 1625 census of survivors of Virginia Colony. At that time his age was given as 42.41
Bennett Freeman, identified as Bridges Freeman's brother by the December, 1635, land patent to Bridges Freeman for 150 acres in James City County on the East Bank of Chickahominy,42 and by numerous other sources already cited in respect to his brother Bridges, also obtained a number of land patents for his own account. Since the Bensington Parish Register shows no baptism for Bennet, it is probable that he was either Robert or Jeames baptized 1612-1613, and that Bennet was his middle name.
On 20 May 1638, Bennett Freeman received a patent for 450 acres in James City County, based on the transportation of nine persons.43 On 20 December 1648, Bennett Freeman received another patent for 400 acres for transporting nine persons, including 100 acres given to him by Bridges Freeman.44 He patented no more land after 1648.
On 2 April 1658, Bennett Freeman was a witness to a deed of sale of corn by Daniel Park, Gent to Christopher Knipe, his son in law.45 There are no later official records relating to Bennett Freeman. He died sometime after 2 April 1658.
There is no evidence that Bennett Freeman married or had any children.
Robert Freeman left less trace of his life in Virginia Colony than Bridges and Bennett Freeman. There is no mention of his importation into Virginia Colony, but on 20 May 1638, Robert Freeman, merchant, received a patent for 50 acres at New Poquosin in the Brice's Neck neighborhood. He was the very first Freeman that public records show living or owning land at New Poquosin. It is possible that he was Robert Freeman, baptized 1612 in Bensington Parish. At that time, New Poquosin was in Charles River County, but later became York County where most Freeman records are to be found. On the same page of the Colonial land grant register, Robert Freeman received an additional 200 acres at New Poquosin by assignment from William Freeman.46 In September, 1638, Robert Freeman, merchant, acquired a 70 acre tract in Chicahominy Hundred James City County due for importing 14 persons.47 Henry Freeman's 1654 patent for 274 acres in New Poquosin York County, references the inclusion of 50 acres granted to Robert Freeman on 8 May 1639.48 It is possible that William Freeman, baptized 1609, came to Virginia for a few months or years, bought land, then traded it to Robert, his brother. At any rate, both men disappear from colonial records before 1650.
A man named Robert Freeman died between 30 April 1698 and 24 January 1698/99 in York County, Virginia. He was a widower survived by a minor daughter, Elizabeth, who was put under guardianship of Thomas & Elizabeth Chisman.49 It is quite unlikely that this man is the same person as Robert Freeman who acquired land in 1638.50
It is likely that the Robert Freeman of 1638 died some time after 1638 and before 1698 or returned to England after taking out a land patent. Robert Freeman may be a brother to Bridges and Bennet Freeman. Robert Freeman is mentioned in the Ashmolean visitation to Berkshire in 1664 as an heir of Thomas Freeman of Preston-Crowmarsh. The Bensington Parish Register shows that Thomas & Frances Freeman had a son named Robert, baptized 5 December 1613.
We know very little about Elizabeth Freeman. We know she was baptized in 1608, and according to the deposition of John Crouch and the Ashmolean visitation of Berkshire that she was living in Virginia in 1664. The cryptic entry showing she was the wife of Col. Pethouse gives us a clue that she may have married into the Pettus family of Virginia. If this is correct, her husband was Col. Thomas Pettus.
The Pettus family line is well-established. The descendants of Colonel Thomas Pettus of Virginia’s published pedigree states that Col. Pettus’ second wife was Elizabeth Mouring. The Ashmolean visitation report does not state whether Elizabeth Freeman was married before she married Col. Pettus. If she was, then the current descendancy chart for the Pettus family may be correct, although the Ashmolean visitation deserves to be included in the Pettus family history.
The first William Freeman died before age 1 in 1606, as shown by the Bensington Parish Register. The second William Freeman was born in 1609, and would have been 21 in 1630. At least five men named "William Freeman" were imported to Virginia Colony between 1637 and 1654.51 Our focus should fall on William Freeman, imported by Christopher Stokes in 1637, who assigned a 200 acre patent right to Robert Freeman, merchant, in May 1638. Stokes had also imported a man named "Mill Freeman" in 1635 as part of a 300 acre headright grant at New Poquosin.52 Since no other person named "William Freeman" was imported until 1647, it was this individual who was involved in litigation over title to real estate in New Poquosin with Henry Freeman in 1641. This suit was settled by Capt. William Oldes, administrator of William Freeman's estate, in 1646. The inference is that William Freeman and Robert Freeman were relatives. In 1642, Richard Lee, Gent., secured a 1,00 acre patent including an assignment of headright from William Freeman.53 In 1647, Richard Lee obtained a 1,250 acre patent based on assignment of William Freeman's headrights for transporting 25 persons.54 The Bensington Parish Register shows that William, the second son by that name of Mr. Thomas Freeman and Frances his wife, was baptized 28 May 1609. This was the same individual mentioned in the deposition of John Crouch before the Lord Mayor's Court of London who was living in London in 1680. There is no direct evidence that William Freeman, son of Thomas and Frances Freeman of Preston-Crowmarsh ever traveled to Virginia Colony.
Henry, son of Thomas and Frances Freeman, may have died in infancy, although the Bensington Parish Register does not show that he was buried.
We know that Thomas and Frances Freeman baptized a son named John in 1624. John Freeman, the Royal Pensioner, in 1664, gave his age as 40, which fits nicely with the parish records. The Royal pension must have been granted for faithful service to the Stuart monarchy on the part of John Freeman, perhaps because he had been wounded during the English Civil War.55 At any rate, he married well. Alice, daughter of Sir John Keeling, the Chief Justice of England in 1665, was just the kind of spouse that would help Freeman rise in society.
Our English cousins are the descendants of William Freeman and his wife, and John Freeman and his wife, Alice Keeling daughter of Sir John Keeling, Chief Justice of England.
The two Henry Freemans of York County, Virginia, may be cousins of Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman, or perhaps one may have been his brother. Henry Freeman, Sr. was living in York County Virginia in 1642. He was a co-defendant in a suit brought by Capt. William Olds (or Oldes) administrator of the estate of William Freeman, deceased to quiet title to two parcels of land in New Poquosin, York County, Virginia. Henry Freeman apparently conveyed a portion of these parcels to William Freeman by deeds dated 7 Sept. and 14 Dec. 1646 (no longer extant). In 1641, Henry Freeman had also executed a deed as a result of a court order against him to convey another part of the two parcels to William Freeman.56
On 6 March 1646/47, the York County Court sitting at James City, appointed Henry Freeman administrator of the estate of William Freeman, deceased because he was "next of kin apparent to Wm. Freeman, dec'd." Freeman replaced Capt. William Oldes, who died between 14 December 1646 and 6 March 1646/47.57 On 22 May 1647, Henry Freeman witnessed the will of Michael Peasely of New Poquosin.58 Henry Freeman appeared in court to prove the will.59
On 25 August 1654, Henry Freeman witnessed the will of Thomas Ray of Poquosin and was appointed overseer when the will was probated on 24 June 1665.60
On 10 September 1658, Henry Freeman was appointed assessor of the goods of Roger Lewis, deceased.61
On 20 Sep. 1664, Henry Freeman received a patent for 274 acres at New Poquosin York County, Virginia.62 He may have occupied the same land in 1663, as a patent to Peter Plouvier issued 15 Feb. 1663/1664 refers to an adjoiner as "Mr. Freeman's line."63 On 20 October 1664 Henry Freeman witnessed the will of Doctoris Christmas of New Poquosin. he was also named co-executor.64
Henry Freeman was involved in a number of civil and probate matters in 1667. On 20 June 1667, he was one of the witnesses to the division of the lands of the late Christopher Calthrop, deceased. The lands were divided among his adult daughter Elinor, and minor daughters Barbara and Anne.65 On 24 July 1667 a writ of attachment for debt was issued against Henry Freeman by the York County Court.66 Less than a month later, Henry Freeman was appointed one of the appraisers of the estate of William Longhun, deceased.
On 24 June 1668, Henry Freeman was listed as a debtor indebted to the late John Fleet. He was also in court that day to prove the will of Thomas Kirby, deceased, originally executed 8 March 1665.67
On 24 January 1668/69, Henry Freeman=s servant Thomas Gardner was adjudged to be 18 years of age and was ordered to serve until he reached the age of 24.68 On 27 March 1669, Henry Freeman appeared in court and gave sworn testimony that John Jolly, son of Joseph Jolly of New Poquosin was at least 21 years old.69 During that same court term, Henry Freeman was appointed reviewer of the accounts of the parties in a civil action between Richard Shirley and John Wood.70
On 10 June 1670, Henry Freeman was ordered to appraise the estate of Katherine Cook, deceased, wife of John Cook.71
Henry Freeman witnessed a power of attorney between Thomas Crandall of New Poquosin and Charles Fortson of Warwick County on 23 March 1671. Henry Freeman appeared in court on 11 September 1671 to show that he had delivered "dues" to the orphans of the late Col. Christopher Calthorpe, deceased, who were satisfied that had received their father's estate and Freeman was discharged from his bond.72 On 15 October 1671, Henry Freeman was sworn in as a bailiff to Sheriff Capt. John Underhill.73
Henry Freeman was appointed an appraiser of the estate of Samuel Trevillian, deceased on 24 April 1673. On 25 June 1673, Henry Freeman filed the inventory and appraisement in Samuel Trevillian's estate. On 24 August 1673 Henry Freeman collected a wolf bounty from County Court. On the 26th, he was granted a nonsuit against a creditor named Thomas Freeman.74
On 24 July 1674, acting on a power of attorney executed by Edward Bolitha of London, Henry Freeman impleaded William Wise who had married the widow of Samuel Trevillian, deceased, in a civil action for a debt due from the estate of Samuel Trevillian.75
On 3 June 1675, Henry Freeman witnessed a power of attorney between Samuel Baber and Joseph Yeamans, his servant. On 24 January 1675/76, Henry Freeman recovered judgment of 100 lbs. tobacco from Francis Callowhill on a debt due.76 Later that year, on 22 March 1675/76, Henry Freeman witnessed the will of Peter Starkey of New Poquosin, and was appointed overseer when the will was probated 24 April 1677.77
On 10 January 1677/78, Henry Freeman witnessed the will of Peter Plouvier of Poquosin.78
Henry Freeman, Sr. died between 24 November 1679 and 24 August 1680 at New Poquosin, York County, Virginia.79 He was survived by his widow, Alice, and a daughter, Sarah, married to Richard Young, who lived in the Parish of Islipp, Oxon, England. In May 1687, seven inhabitants of Islipp Parish executed affidavits to clear the title to Henry Freeman=s lands in New Poquosin, averring that Henry Freeman was a mercer of Chipping Norton, Oxon. before emigrating to Virginia, and was survived by one daughter, Sarah Young.80 This makes it very unlikely that Henry Freeman, Sr., was a brother to Bridges Freeman et al.
Henry Freeman, Jr. first appears in York County court records on 12 December 1671, in a record of importation for Elizabeth Flavel, his servant.81 On 11 January 1671/72, Thomas Evans pledged security of 200 lbs tobacco for the court appearance of Richard Jones in a civil suit brought by Henry Freeman, Jr. 82 Henry and Martha Freeman witnessed a power of attorney between Anthony Lamb and James Calthorp, on 19 October 1674.83
Henry Freeman, Jr. died at some time prior to 24 April 1676. On that date, letters of administration were issued to Martha Freeman, the surviving spouse of Henry Freeman, Jr. , and orders directing Henry Freeman, Sr., John Hunt and Armigan Wade, Jr. to make an inventory and appraisement of Henry Freeman, Jr.'s estate.84 Garland Hopkins contended that Henry Freeman, Jr. was a son of Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman, but he offered no documentary evidence for this inference. So far no documents that prove this relationship have been located in York County or elsewhere in Virginia colonial records.
On 25 November 1693, John Clifford of New Poquosin devised a remainder "to my sonns in law John Freeman and Henry Freeman and my daughter Anna Freeman" and personal property including his rapier to "be equally divided between my wife and her three children above mentioned."85 Unfortunately, Mr. Clifford didn't give his wife's first name in his will. Assuming that his will was correctly copied into the will book, and knowing 17th century usage, John Clifford's wife had previously been married to a Freeman and had two sons and a daughter by her first marriage. "Son in law" in the 17th century was usually used to describe step sons. We know that Henry Freeman, jr. died prior to 24 April 1676, survived by a widow, but do not know whether he had any surviving children. Henry Freeman, Sr. who died in 1679/80, was survived by a widow and one daughter. Robert Freeman of York County, who died between 23 April 1698 and 24 Jan. 1698/99, had one daughter, but was not survived by a spouse.86 The best inference from the data is that John and Henry Freeman were the children of Henry Freeman, Jr. and Martha, his wife, who remarried after Henry's death in 1676. The Register of Charles City Parish, York County, Virginia was published in 1932 by the Virginia State Library. The Register shows that Henry Freeman, Jr. and Martha had the following children baptized: (1) John 5 July 1671; (2) Henry, 20 November 1675; and (3) Anna, 30 April 1676.87
Garland Hopkins states that the children of Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman included at least three sons, Bridges Freeman, Jr., James Freeman and Henry Freeman. He gives no reference to a primary source for this statement.88 So far no documents have been found that confirm his conjecture. Bridges Freeman, Jr. appears in a deed transaction involving his wife, Elizabeth, who was the daughter of Capt. James Besouth and Catherine, his wife, but this entry does not confirm that Bridges Freeman, Jr. was the son of Lt. Col. Bridges Freeman.89
Garland Hopkins asserts that James Freeman, who died 23 January 1687/88 in New Kent County, Virginia, was the father of John Freeman, Sr. of Surry County, Virginia, our common known ancestor.90 However, no documentary proof of this relationship has been found. In fact, there is nothing to document that James Freeman had any children whatsoever.
John Freeman, Sr. [1] is our earliest known proven common ancestor. He lived in that part of Surry County, Virginia that later became Sussex County. His plantation and grist mill were located on the north bank of the Nottoway River near the Sussex County bridge across the Nottoway known as Freeman's bridge. The first land patent to John Freeman for land in Surry County was issued in 1701. John Freeman, Sr. died in 1725/1726.91John Freeman s wife s name is unknown. John Freeman two known children were:
1. Henry Freeman [11] (ca. 1690-1753) Sussex Co., Virginia who is our ancestor;92 and
2. William Freeman [12] (ca. 1692 - unk) Sussex Co. Va. who left Sussex County and whose whereabouts are as yet unknown.
Henry Freeman [11] married Prudence Jones, daughter of Arthur Jones, a miller who lived north and west of Freeman's Bridge in Surry County. This is established by a gift deed from John Freeman [1] to Henry [11] and Prudence Freeman recorded in Surry County, Virginia,93 giving a slave to Prudence on behalf of her father Arthur Jones. It is also established by the last Will & Testament of Arthur Jones, deceased proved in 1716.94In 1740 Henry Freeman [11] received a patent for 396 acres lying between Kettlesticks Creek, Great Branch and Flat Rock Creek in what later became Lunenburg County, Virginia. This tract included an excellent water power site.95 Henry Freeman [11] conveyed this tract to one of his sons, Arthur Freeman [115], who is our common ancestor. Henry Freeman [11] died in 1753. His will was probated in Sussex County, Virginia.96 The known children of Henry Freeman [11] were:
1. Josiah Freeman [111] (ca. 1720 - 1774) m. Phoebe
2. Henry Freeman [112] (ca. 1722 - 1776)
3. Joel Freeman [113] (ca. 1724 - unk)
4. Jones Freeman [114] m. Rebecca (ca. 1726 - unk).
5. Arthur Freeman [115] (ca. 1718 - 1752), our ancestor, m. Agnes Stokes, daughter of Silvanus Stokes, ca. 1739-40. 6 Amy Freeman [116] (ca. 1729- unk) m. _______ Blanks.97
ARTHUR FREEMAN [115] (ca.1718 - 1752) and AGNES STOKESArthur Freeman [115], also a miller, married Agnes Stokes, daughter of Silvanus Stokes (ca. 1712 - ca. 1764), of Sussex County, Virginia, about 1739 or 1740.98 Arthur and Agnes Freeman's children's baptismal dates are listed in the Albemarle Church Parish Register. Henry Freeman [11] conveyed his mill site on Kettlesticks Creek to Arthur Freeman [115] ran the Kettlesticks Creek grist mill in Lunenburg County from around 1740 until his death in 1752. Arthur Freeman's [115] will was probated in Lunenburg County, Virginia, in 1752. His widow carried on the mill, leasing the site to James Stewart for 12 years beginning in 1754. Stewart defaulted on his lease and Mrs. Freeman's executors pursued him for back rent, as shown by Lunenburg County court minutes entries in 1760, after her death.
1. Hamlin Stokes Freeman [1151] (ca. 9-11-1740 - unk) m. Agnes _____ about 1762.99
2. Jemima Freeman [1152] (ca. 2-3-1741 - ca. 1748).100
3. Keziah Freeman [1153] (ca. 1-25-1743, d. before 1753.101
4. Charlotte Freeman [1154] (ca. 1-29-1745 - unk)102
5. Henry Freeman [1155] (ca. 12-10-1745 - bef 6-11-1821) our ancestor, m. Betty Thrower, daughter of Hezekiah Thrower, Brunswick County, Virginia.103
6. Joel Freeman [1156 (ca. 1748 - unk).104
7. Keziah Freeman [1157] (ca. 1-25-1753 or later - ca. 1825, Henry Co., Tennessee) m. Richard Meanly a/k/a Manly in Brunswick or Mecklenburg Co., Virginia ca. 1774, removed to Anson Co., North Carolina ca. 1784, to Montgomery Co., Tennessee ca. 1805, to Stewart Co., Tennessee ca. 1810, to Henry Co., Tennessee after 1819, said to have died in Henry County shortly after 1825.105 GENERATION VIII
HENRY FREEMAN [1155] (ca. 12-10-1745 - bef. 6-11-1821) AND ELIZABETH THROWER.
Henry Freeman [1155] married Betty Thrower, daughter of Hezekiah Thrower, of Brunswick County, Virginia. Although their marriage bond has not yet been located, Hezekiah Thrower's 1786 will probated in Brunswick County, Virginia, contains a bequest to Betty Freeman, his daughter.106 Hezekiah Thrower was a Revolutionary War Patriot who supplied the Continental Army and the Virginia State Militia with rations and liquor from 1777 to 1781, according to court minutes.107 His son Christopher was Lieutenant of County Militia, seeing active service during the Yorktown Campaign in 1781. There are no records showing that Henry Freeman served in the Virginia Militia or supplied the army.
Henry [1155] Freeman died in 1821. His will was probated in Lunenburg County, Virginia, in 1821.108 Betty Freeman died during the administration of President Van Buren in 1837. Her will was probated in 1837.109
1. Hamblin Freeman [11551] (ca. 1770 - bef 10-11-1850) m. Lucretia Hazelwood.110
2. Thrower Freeman [11552] (ca. 1775 - bef 4-14-1823), our ancestor, m. Jane (Jincy) Cabiness daughter Asa Cabiness Lunenburg Co., Virginia.111
3. Edward Freeman [11553] (ca. 1777 - unk). m. Martha Cabaness.112
4. Arthur Freeman [11554] (ca. 1780 - unk)
5. John Freeman [11555] (ca. 1782 - unk)
6. Hezekiah Freeman [11556] (ca. 1784 - unk)
7. Hartswell Freeman [11557] (ca. 1786 - unk)
8. Frances Freemen [11558] (ca. 1788 - unk) m. Benjamin Rudder.113
9. Lucy Freeman [11559] (ca. 1790 - unk) m. Abraham Atkins.114
10. Rebecca Freeman [115510] (ca. 1792 - unk)
11. Patsy Freeman [115511] (ca. 1794 - unk)
12. Sally Freeman [115512] (ca. 1796 - unk)m. Spencer Arnold.115
HAMBLIN FREEMAN [11551] (ca. 1770 - bef 10-11-1850)
Ordinarily, a collateral line should not be introduced in the orderly tale of descent from an ancestor. However, the importance of the relationship between the children of Hamblin Freeman[ 11551] and Thrower Freeman [11552] in Henry County, Tennessee, requires a brief account of this collateral line. Hamlin Freeman was a planter. He married Lucretia Hazelwood, daughter of James Hazelwood, March 27, 1797 in Lunenburg County, Virginia.116 Hamblin Freeman died before October 11, 1850 when his will, dated April 9, 1847, was probated in Lunenburg County, Virginia. 117 Lucretia Hazelwood Freeman died before June 11, 1866, when her will, dated November 24, 1859, was probated in Lunenburg County, Virginia.118
1. Rebecca Freeman [115511] (ca. 1790 - after 1866) wife of James Hawthorn.119
2. Daniel Freeman [115512] (ca. 1792 - after 6-29-1872) a bachelor who took powers of attorney from his brothers to clear the title to his mother's farm after her death between 1870 and 1872. 3. Martha F. Freeman (Crowder) [115513] (ca. 1794 - after 1866), wife of George Crowder.120
4. Arthur Freeman [115514] (ca. 1800 - after 1870) m. Elizabeth Winn March 31, 1830, Lunenburg County, Virginia. Arthur Freeman [125514] immigrated to Henry County, Tennessee ca. 1835 in company with James [115516] and John C. Freeman [125522].121
5. Thrower Freeman [115515] (ca. 1802 - after Feb. 7, 1870). Thrower Freeman apparently emigrated with his brothers to West Tennessee ca. 1835. He was residing in Dixon County, Tennessee February 7, 1870 when he executed a power of attorney to Daniel Freeman [115511] to sell his mother's farm.122
6. James Freeman [115516] (ca. 1804 - before September, 1843). James Freeman emigrated to Henry County with Arthur Freeman [115514] and John C. Freeman [125522] died in Henry County, Tennessee before September, 1843, when Arthur Freeman was appointed commissioner to sell his slaves.123
7. John Freeman [115517] (ca. 1806 - before November 24, 1859). Lucretia Freeman's will makes a bequest to the children of John Freeman deceased in 1859. He should not be confused with his cousin John C. Freeman [115522].
8. Edward Freeman [115518] (ca. 1808 - unknown). This may have been the child known as Coalman Freeman who executed a power of attorney to Daniel Freeman [115512] in 1870 to settle his interest in his mother's farm.124 9. Hezekiah Freeman [115519] (ca. 1810 - unknown).
10. Hartwell Freeman [115510] (ca. 1812 - unknown).
THROWER FREEMAN [11552] (ca. 1775- bef 4-14-1823)
Thrower Freeman [11552] married Jane (Jincy) Cabiness, daughter of Asa Cabiness on November 14, 1797 in Lunenburg County, Virginia. Thrower Freeman [11552] bought a small plantation about two miles northeast of his father's plantation and mill site in November, 1796. Thrower Freeman [11552] died before April 14, 1823, when his will was probated in Lunenburg County, Virginia. His will ordered his executor Thomas Adams to divide the farm into five equal parts and partition it to his children.
1. Edward R. Freeman [115521] (ca. 1800 - unk) m. Christianna Watkins, widow of F. Watkins 8-31-1819 Lunenburg County, Virginia.125
2. John C. Freeman [115522] ( ca. 1805 - bef. 2-12-1865) m. Eliza Ann Hurt, daughter Macon Hurt Oct. 19, 1830 Lunenburg Co., Virginia.126
3. Elizabeth T. Freeman [115523] (ca. 1807 - unk) m. Anson Johnson 12-14-1827 Lunenburg County, Virginia.127 4. Charlotte W. Freeman [115524] (ca. 1809 - unk)
5. Martha McAnn Freeman [115525] (ca. 1811 - unk)
6. Sally H. Freeman [115526] (ca. 1813 - unk) m. Spencer Arnold , 9 - 1820, Lunenburg Co, Virginia.128 7. Eliza T. Freeman [115527] (ca. 1815 - unk)
Arthur Freeman [115514] emigrated to Henry County, Tennessee around 1830 shortly after he married Elizabeth Winn March 31, 1830, in Lunenburg County, Virginia. He probably traveled in an extended family group with his brother James Freeman. Arthur Freeman [115514] had a medium sized plantation in the 11th District between Cottage Grove and Como which he was forced to sell shortly before The War Between the States to pay his debts. He died in the house of his son Warren [1155142] sometime after 1870. His wife Elizabeth died before 1860.
1. Ann Freeman [1155141] (ca. 1832 - after 1870) m. W. W. Humphreys 7-22-1852, Henry County, Tennessee.
2. John Warren Freeman [1155142] (ca. 1834 - aft 1880) m. Telitha Martha Bullock 11-19-1854, Henry County, Tennessee, and lived on a farm in the 11th Civil District near Cottage Grove.129
3. William Freeman [1155143] (ca. 1836 - after 1870).
4. Sarah Freeman [1155144] (ca. 1838 - after 1870) married Benjamin P. Diggs 4-12-1860 Henry County, Tennessee.
5. Rebecca Freeman [1155145] (ca. 1840 - after 1870).
JOHN C. FREEMAN [115522] (9 Mar. 1805 - 18 Mar. 1864)
AND ELIZA ANN HURT (1 Sep. 1810-Feb. 1873)
John C. Freeman [115522] (9 Mar. 1805-18 Mar. 1863)130 married Eliza Ann Hurt (1 Sep. 1810-Feb. 1873),131daughter of the late Macon Hurt (ca. 1810 - 1870) on Oct. 19, 1830 in Lunenburg County, Virginia. John C. Freeman was a minor when his father died in 1823. At any rate he became financially involved with his older brother Edward [115521], and guaranteed some debts for him. Edward's wife, Christianna, the widow of a man named F. Watkins, had a forced share interest in her first husband's estate, and his children had inherited Watkins's slaves and some land. Edward Freeman [115521] borrowed against his wife's interest and against her children's estate to pay his debts. John C. Freeman [115522] guaranteed those debts and also agreed to be surety to Christianna for the money her husband obtained from the loans against her estate.
Unfortunately, Edward Freeman[115521] defaulted on his debts and lost everything. Meanwhile, John C. Freeman[115522] signed a note and deed of trust to Rev. Thomas Adams, his father's and grandfather's executor, as a loan against his share of his father's and grand father's estates. John C. Freeman [115522]ended up suing Rev. Adams on this obligation to prove that it had been paid up.132
Eliza Ann Hurt was the orphan daughter of Macon Hurt, who died in 1808, leaving his wife, Nancy (Gunn), with three small children: William Hurt, Albert P. Hurt and Eliza Ann Hurt. Nancy (Gunn) Hurt married Thomas Hutchison of Lunenburg County and eventually moved to Kentucky with her new husband. John C. Freeman [115522]chose to leave Virginia and move to West Tennessee in the late 1830's. John and Eliza Freeman had three small children to raise, and they were financially wiped out as a result of paying off Edward's bad debts. They sold their share of Thrower Freeman's [11552] farm in 1832.133 John and Eliza Freeman had moved to Henry County, Tennessee, by 1840, because they are listed in the 1840 U.S. Census for Henry County, Tennessee. 134 John C. Freeman bought land near Cottage Grove, and tried to recover his fortune. The Freemans had six more children after moving to Tennessee. All but Sarah are listed in the 1850 U.S. census for Henry County.135 John C. Freeman [115522] died March 18, 1864. His will was probated in February, 1865 in Henry County, Tennessee. Eliza A. Freeman died in February, 1873, intestate.
1. Elvira Jane Freeman [1155221] (7-31-1831) m. James W. Hunt 3-1-1857 in Henry Co, TN. She lived and died in Henry County, Tennessee.136
2. Macon Hurt Freeman [1155222] (9-2-1833 - 8-23-1900) m. Margaret Julian.137 Macon Freeman served as an officer in the Confederate Army in Russell's regiment, Tennessee Cavalry under Lt. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest. He ran a farm and served three terms as Henry County Sheriff.
3. John Thrower (Punch) Freeman [1155223] (3-3-1836 9 aft 1910) m. Helen Bowden, Henry County, TN.138 but later in life moved to Cross Plains, Callahan County, Texas, where some of his grandchildren and great grandchildren still live.
4. Ann Eliza Freeman [1155224] (5-22-1840) m. W. G. Trent, and moved to Martin, Weakly, County, Tennessee , with her husband.
5. Mary Frances (Hon) Freeman [1155225] (4-28-1843) m. A. B. Compton.139 Mr. and Mrs. Compton may have moved to Weakly or Carroll County before 1900.
6. Prudence America (Babe) Freeman [1155226] (9-6-1845) m. J. B. Crutchfield in Henry County, Tennessee.140
7. Henrietta Virginia Freeman [1155227] (7-13-1848-1923), our ancestor, m.Thomas R. Wilson (1844-1901) in Henry County, Tennessee.141 Dr. and Mrs. Wilson moved to Denison, TX in 1891 and to Pilot Point, TX in 1895. Dr. Wilson died there of tuberculosis in 1901. Henrietta Freeman lived until 1923. They lived at 22 E. Liberty St. in Pilot Point. Henrietta V. Freeman=s Her daughter Nell Wilson [1152273] married Paul C. Reed in Pilot Point in 1908. Their first born son, Thomas Paul Reed [11522731], was my father.
8. Charles Hurt Freeman [1155228] (10-4-1850 - 1909) m. Mattie Alexander in Henry County, Tennessee. Charles H. Freeman was also elected Sheriff of Henry County.
9. Sarah Freeman [1125229] (1852 - unknown ) m. Wallace Hall.
Thrower Freeman [115515] (ca. 1802 - after Feb. 7, 1870). Thrower Freeman married Amy Gill in Lunenburg County, Virginia on September 18, 1826.142 Thrower Freeman emigrated from Lunenburg County sometime after 1830. In August, 1870, he is listed in the census returns for Dixon County, Tennessee, together with his spouse and one daughter, Martha Freeman.143 Although nearly 70, he listed his occupation as a "farmer." He executed a power of attorney in February, 1870 to clear title to land in Lunenburg County, Virginia.144 Thrower Freeman is not listed in the 1880 census. He probably died prior to 1880 in Dixon County.
1. Phillip Edward. Freeman [1155151] (March 23, 1833- Nov. 15, 1914) married Elizabeth Weakley (Feb 15 1841 - 7 August 1873) on April 16, 1863, in Davidson County, Tennessee.145
2. James F. Freeman [1155152] ( ca.1835- aft 1900) married Martisia Tennessee Jones in Williamson County, Tennessee. James F. Freeman is listed in the U.S. Census for Williamson County, Tennessee.146. He moved to Texas after 1880.147
3. Martha Freeman [1155153] (ca. 1844-45 aft 1900) appears in the 1870 Census for Dickson County, but is not in the 1880 census.
GENERATION XI. ELVIRA Jane Freeman [1155221} &
Elvira Freeman[1155221] was the oldest child of John C. Freeman and Eliza A. Hurt. She was born July 31, 1831 in Lunenburg County, Virginia and emigrated with her parents to Henry County, Tennessee by 1839. She married James C. Hunt on March 4, 1857 at her parents’ home near Cottage Grove, Tennessee. 148 She was alive in 1900 when a group portrait of the children of John C. Freeman was taken. However, she does not appear in any census returns for 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1900. If Elvira Hunt had any children, their identity and birth order is unknown at this time.149
Macon Hurt Freeman [1155222] (9-2-1833 - 8-23-1900) married Margaret Julian in 1856.150 Macon Freeman served as an officer in the Confederate Army in Company K, Russell's Regiment (20th Tennessee), Tennessee Cavalry under Lt. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest. Russell’s Regiment was one of the four regiments in Bell’s Brigade, which saw heavy action in the battles of Brice’s Cross-Roads (June 10, 1864), Tupelo (July 15, 1864), the Johnsonville Raid (October, 1864) and Hood’s siege of Nashville (November-December, 1864)151 He ran a farm and served three terms as Henry County Sheriff.152 In 1876, he moved to Paris, Tennessee, the Henry County seat. In the 1880's he started a sash & door mill in Paris. He also started a wholesale grocery distribution warehouse in Paris.153 Several photographs of Macon H. Freeman show him as a brown eyed dark haired individual with broad features. 154
1. Mary Alice Freeman,[11552221] ( Nov. 14, 1855- aft 1910) married Eldorado C. Barton in Paris, Tennessee and later moved to Pilot Point, Texas.
2. Emma Julian Freeman [11552222] ( Mar. 8, 1857-Dec. 9, 1857) is buried in Olive Branch Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Tennessee.155
3. Martha Eliza Freeman [11552223] (Oct. 1, 1858-Sep. 11 1861) is buried in Olive Branch Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Tennessee.156
4. John Edward Freeman [11552224] ( Jun. 9, 1860-Sep. 26, 1861) is buried in Olive Branch Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Tennessee.157
5. Beulah Jane Freeman [11552225](Sep. 14 1861- d. aft 1910) married James R. Hill in Paris, Tennessee.
6 Lena May Freeman [11552226](Feb. 3, 1865- aft 1900) married Robert A. Foster April 15, 1885 in Paris, Tennessee
7 James Mason Freeman [11552227]( Dec. 8, 1867 - aft 1910) married Minnie E. Diggs November 17, 1897, in Paris, Tennessee.
8 William Alexander Freeman [11552228] (Feb .17, 1870-Mar. 9, 1874) is buried in Cottage Grove, Tennessee.158
9 Margaret Eliza Freeman [115522299](May 15, 1872 - aft 1910) married Thomas H. Bunch December 22, 1898, Paris, Tennessee.
10 Hattie Wilmoth Freeman [11552210](Sep. 29, 1874-Apr. 10, 1876) is buried in Cottage Grove, Tennessee.159
GENERATION XI. John THROWER Freeman [1155223} &
John Thrower (Punch) Freeman [1155223] (3-3-1836 -1915) married Helen Bowden on January 24, 1866 in Henry County, Tennessee.160 John T. Freeman was a Lieutenant in the 5th Tennessee Infantry and saw action in the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862. Later, he was declared supernumerary and sent home by the Confederate government. A "Private John Freeman" served in Company K, Russell’s Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, commanded by Capt. Macon H. Freeman. Unfortunately, the military service record file for this "John Freeman" does not show his place of residence nor his parents, so it is impossible to say that Lt. Freeman, being out of a job enlisted as a private in his older brother’s cavalry company.161 Sometime after 1870, John T. Freeman moved to Cross Plains, Callahan County, Texas, where some of his grandchildren and great grandchildren still live. He is listed in the 1900 and 1910 U.S. Census for Cross Plains, occupation farmer. According to his tombstone in Cross Plains Cemetery, John T. Freeman died in 1915.162
1 Mary Ethel Freeman [11552231] (Mar. 6, 1867 - aft. 1900) died unmarried in Callahan County, Texas.163
2 Joshua Freeman [11552232] (1869-unk) died unmarried in Callahan County, Texas.164
3 William M. Freeman [11552233] (Feb. 6 1873 - 1953) m. Beulah Cavin (1867- unk) ca. 1895, Cross Plains, TX.165
4 Hattie Walonia Freeman [11552234] (Jan. 3, 1876- unk).166 5 Virginia Freeman [11552235] ( Oct. 6, 1879-1953) m. Louis Neeb ( Sep. 1, 1878- 1953) September 1, 1898.167
GENERATION XI. Ann eliza Freeman [1155224} &
w. g. trent, Weakley COUNTY, TENNESSEE
Ann Eliza Freeman [1155224] was born May 22 1840 in Henry County, Tennessee. She married W. G. Trent on December 7, 1865. W. G. Trent had a drug store in Cottage Grove, Tennessee which he sold out and moved to Martin, Weakly, County, Tennessee in 1868 with his family.168 Trent was a veteran of the 5th Tennessee Infantry from the beginning of the war to the surrender of Gen. Joseph Johnston’s Army in April, 1865.169 Mr. and Mrs. Trent and their family appeared in the 1870, 1880 and 1900 census returns for Weakley County.170
1 Inez Trent [11552241] ( b. 1858 - aft. 1895).171
2 Edith J. Trent [11552242] (b. 1874-75 - aft 1895).172
3 Anna Trent [11552243] (b. aft 1880 - aft 1895).173
4 Mary W. Trent [11552244] (b. aft 1880 - aft 1895) 174
GENERATION XI. Mary frances Freeman [1155225} &
alexander b. compton, weakley COUNTY, TENNESSEE
Mary Frances (Hon) Freeman [1155225] was born April 28, 1843 in Henry County, Tennessee. She married. Alexander B. Compton on 26 November 1872 in her brother’s house near Cottage Grove.175 Mr. and Mrs. Compton may have moved to another county or state before 1900. In 1900, Mr.and Mrs. Compton and one daughter were living in Chester County, Tennessee.176 All efforts to locate any other records of Mr. and Mrs. Compton or any of their children has been unsuccessful.
1 Anna Compton [11552251] ( Sep. 1873- aft 1900).
GENERATION XI. Prudence america freeman [1155226}
and john b crutchfield, HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE
Prudence America (Babe) Freeman [1155226] was born September 6, 1845 in Henry County, Tennessee. She married J. B. Crutchfield on November 14, 1877, in Henry County, Tennessee.177
The Crutchfield family moved several times. From 1880 through 1900, the Crutchfield family lived on a farm in Weakley County, Tennessee. In 1910, the Crutchfield family lived in West Hurricane Township, Green County, Arkansas.178 In 1920, Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield and two adult children were living in Anderson Township, New Madrid County, Missouri.179
1 Berah J. Crutchfield [11552261] ( 1880 - aft 1930) married Edward J. Cook between 1920 and 1930. She resided in Econtruska Twp., Seminole County, Oklahoma in 1930.
2 Roy H. Crutchfield [11552262] ( 1884- aft 1930) Roy Crutchfield probably never married. He was single in 1930 when he was living with his sister in Seminole County, Oklahoma.180
GENERATION XI. Henrietta Virginia Freeman [1155227} &
Henrietta Virginia Freeman [1155227] was born on July 13, 1848 in Henry County, Tennessee. She died January 19, 1923 at the Texas State Mental Hospital, Terrell, Texas.181 She was my great grandmother. Henrietta . Freeman married Thomas R. Wilson, M.D. (1844-1901) in Henry County, Tennessee.182 Dr. and Mrs. Wilson moved to Denison, TX in 1891 and to Pilot Point, TX in 1895. They lived at 22 E. Liberty St. in Pilot Point. Dr. Wilson died there of tuberculosis in 1901.
1 Mary Elizabeth Wilson [11552271] (Jul. 16, 1879- Sep. 9. 1931) was born in Cottage Grove, Tennessee and died in Wichita Falls, Texas without issue. She was a school teacher in the Fort Worth, Texas, school system.183
2 Robert Howard Wilson [11552272] (Mar. 18, 1881-Jul. 19, 1929) was born in Cottage Grove, Tennessee, and died in Ft. Worth, Texas. He married Marguerite Eccleston. The couple had one son, R. Howard Wilson, Jr. (1915-2005)184
3 Alfred Bluford Wilson [11552273] (Dec. 15, 1882-Mar. 20 1940) was born in Cottage Grove, Tennessee and died in Ft Worth, Texas unmarried, without issue.185
4 Nell Wilson [11552274] (Jun. 8, 1885- Feb. 20, 1977) was born in Cottage Grove, Tennessee and died in Denison, Texas. She married Paul C. Reed (1885-1972)in Pilot Point in 1908. Their first born son, Thomas Paul Reed (1909-1979)[11522731], was my father.186
5 Thomas Rayburn Wilson, Jr.[11552275] (Mar. 7, 1887-May 18, 1974) was born in Cottage Grove, Tennessee, and died in Midland, Texas. T. R. Wilson, Jr. owned and operated a department store in Midland, Texas for more than 30 years prior to his death.187
GENERATION XI. Charles hurt Freeman [1155228} &
mattie alexander, HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE
Charles Hurt Freeman [1155228] was born October 4, 1850 in Henry County, Tennessee and died March 25, 1909 in Paris, Henry County, Tennessee.188 He married Mattie Alexander November 18, 1878 in Henry County, Tennessee.189 Charles H. Freeman followed in his elder brother’s footsteps. He was also Sheriff of Henry County.
1 John Albert Freeman [11552281](Oct. 2, 1879-Feb. 22, 1957) married Judith Beasley on Oct. 10, 1903, Henry County, Tennessee.190
2 Charley Freeman [11552282]( Jun. 22, 1881 - May, 1952) married Stacker Darby in Como, Henry County, Tennessee.
3 Paul Swift Freeman [11552283]( Mar. 4, 1885-Dec. 27, 1951) married Florence Greer in Henry County, Tennessee.
GENERATION XI. Sarah Freeman [1155229} & Wallace hall,
Sarah Freeman [1125229] was born in 1852 in Henry County, Tennessee and died after 1900. She married Wallace Hall after 1880.191 Mr. Hall was a grocer in Martin, Tennessee.192
1. Neva Hall [1125229](Dec. 1880 aft 1920)193
2. George T. Hall [1125229](Sep. 1883- aft 1920)194
3. Frank G. Hall [1125229] (Aug. 1885-aft 19201954. John Hall [1125229] (Jun. 1897-aft 1920)196
Hi Robert, thanks for posting this. I am a direct descendant of Bridges going from Bridges to James to Robert to Alexander to Elisha to Richard to William to Alfred to Louis to Joseph J (my Grandfather) to my Father, Charles Louis.
ReplyDeleteNeed to do more research to see how we are related. :-)
Thank you so much. Bridges is my 11th GGF, then down to James, Nathaniel, Henry and then Amy. This is very helpful. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on John S Freeman shown in Henry County in 1850? I believe his son, George T Freeman, to be my gg grandfather, but I am having a very difficult time finding information.
ReplyDeleteDear Robert. I think you might be able to help me, and I may be able to fill in some blanks in Gens V and VI for you. I'm pretty sure I know where John Sr.'s son William went. I believe I am a direct descendant through William and his son John Freeman of Wake Co., NC. Please reach out to me at